Our Family

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Last First Day and Worst First Day

Today was the boys first day of preschool and their last year. It was also the worst day ever!! Cale as you can tell was ready and wanted his picture made. Carter on the other hand wouldn't cooperate at all. He eventually agreed to a picture at home and then seemed fine as we gathered our things and left for school.

As we arrived at school it was pretty much a circus. Lots of parents and kids and even some extended family. Well Cale saw one of his friends getting his picture made under a tree outside and asked me to take his there, so I did. Carter seemed fine, but did not want his picture made and that was ok. So I am carrying in all this stuff that I needed to bring and I wanted to bring it today in hopes that I go into labor very very soon. When we begin to walk up the side walk at school Carter stops starts crying and totally freaks out! He has never done this before not even their first day ever when they were only 16 months old, well they cried once we got to the class and I left. So there are mobs of people around, I am carrying lots of stuff and Cale is standing there. I felt like I had this kid who had never been left by me before when that couldn't be farther from the truth! So I convince him to let me carry him to the door and he says ok. So we get in the door and to the steps and he has to get down and walk down the steps, but instead of doing that he stops in the middle of the steps sits and crosses his arms and cries. Remember I said it was crazy there! So people are having to walk around us, which is hard to do considering I am huge (see previous post) and a teacher is standing there trying to get him to move. Well I give up and just continue on with Cale, who thankfully sees when Carter is giving mommy a hard time and totally cooperates with whatever it is we are doing. Cale goes down and hangs up his book bag and goes right in and sees his best little friends and does what the teacher asks.

I then turn around to go get Carter. He has nicely moved to the side of step instead of in the middle. As I walk up there to try and get him to come down my hormones totally got the best of me out of pure frustration and stress. Tears started coming and then once he saw that I was upset he then got up and came down without much being said. I thought good this is it. No. He just stands there and won't hang his book bag up. Luckily there are other mothers there who know what it feels like to be 9 months pregnant and they help me get him to hang his book bag up, but by this time my hormones are making me cry and I can not stop! I hate doing this! I felt like I looked like a mom so sad to see her kids going to school, but no way was that it!! I was so relieved when I left that place I seriously thought, what would happen if I didn't pick them up at 12? Cale did great and he is my child that cuts me slack and tries to be helpful. Carter is 100% like his father! Anyways I finally somewhat managed to get myself together until someone would talk to me, but then the director let me sit in her office until I was calm. I use to work there, so it was comforting to at least know that I knew all these people and they weren't like strangers to me.

When I picked them up they said they did great today. They were happy in the car. Then we got home. Carter started immediately with his stubbornness. Cale wanted a sandwich and of course Carter wanted spaghetti o's. Well I am not a short order cook and we don't each get our own meals in our house. So since Cale was a big boy we were having sandwiches. Carter got mad and pouted in his room. I then informed him that once Cale was done then lunch was over and he would miss lunch if he didn't come eat. So he came and ate two sandwiches, but nothing else. I really thought that this was all because he was tired because he has refused to nap this week. But he is still not asleep! Believe me, he will not get up without sleeping today!

When I called and told Andy what happened he surprisingly said he would take the boys to school the rest of the week. Andy didn't want to come today even though I asked him to, so maybe he felt guilty. I know now I should have just went back to the car and waited until he was ready, but I was not able to think clearly with everything going on. I just thought once he saw his friends he would be ok. He wasn't though.

I am really dreading the first day of kindergarten!! This is the only reason I fear they will not be ready, maturity. They can both be extremely stubborn and balk and the simplest tasks. Maybe other kids are like this, but some days we swear that it is only ours. Then I think why did I decide to do this again to myself?


Cale is batman and Carter is superman--can you see the attitude?

The picture Cale wanted at school. It is not the best as I need a new small camera.

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1 comment:

Kasey Q said...

I think every mother reading this knows that you are not alone. All our kids DO act that way at time, and we of course ALSO feel like it's just ours. I hope the rest of the year is better for you.