Our Family

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

40 Weeks...

Well here I am at 40 weeks and no baby yet. Yesterday I had a doctor appointment and I had made lots of progress since Thursday. I was 3 centimeters dilated, 90% effaced and the baby is at -1 station. Basically active labor starts at 4 cent and 0 station, that is how close I am. While I was there the doctor I had my appointment with had to leave about 5 mins after she walked in because she was paged to deliver a baby! Of course, but I then saw the doctor that delivered the boys. Then I thought what a great birthday present, yesterday was my birthday, when she said starting Wednesday I could be scheduled to be induced! However, I didn't realize that the hospital only allowed 5 women in Raleigh to be scheduled to be induced per day. So when I went to talk to the schedule lady at my doctors office she called and NOTHING was open for the next whole week! I was so upset. She said she would call everyday several times a day in case someone on the schedule delivers early. Good news is this morning she called and they got an opening for Monday the 21st. That is longer than I would like to wait, but end is in sight!

Well last night I had tons of contractions and some were slightly stronger and more painful. I thought, yes things are moving! I even called the doctor, but then they stopped. Of course that happens to me. With the boys my water broke, so I have no clue as to when I am in labor. I am really hoping my water breaks again. Good news with that is that the doctor said the baby's head is so low that it won't be a gush, so no embarrassing flood. I haven't had very many contractions today and that is very depressing to me. I went shopping with mom at Kohl's this morning hoping that walking around would help, but nothing.

Right now I am praying that either the super painful contractions will start and I will know I am in labor (the thought of pain doesn't bother me because I want to be in labor), that my water will break, or that someone scheduled will have their baby tonight. Maybe I will drag Andy out for a walk tonight.

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