Our Family

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Life is Full

It has been a while since my last post. We have been, as usual, crazy busy. I was sick a couple weeks ago and for what seemed like forever. Then I have been busy with the kids and work and housework and cooking. I really need a maid, chef and nanny. Then I think my life would be complete. Oh and a house that I can have plenty of room and can't hear my kids every location. The boys have been growing up and way too fast! Cale told me the other week that he wished he could have stayed 3 years old forever. When I asked him why his response was, "I just love Ms. Rosemary's class." That was his teacher in the 3 yr old class. Isn't that so sweet. I just had to tell her because sometimes you never know if you have impacted a child's life or not. Well apparently she and Ms. Jane impacted Cale's and he has said that several times since.

I never did post on how my recipes turned out. Well they were super good! I just love my crock pot! Last night I made chicken taco soup, because I had chicken and not beef. It was also very yummy!! We have been eating at home a lot still and hopefully that is saving us some money. I hate to see what is going to happen once I can have milk and soy again. Chik-fil-a here we come!!! Along with many other of our usuals. I don't know how much longer I can eat Wendy's and Moe's. Don't get me wrong they are very yummy, but when those are the two easiest choices on busy nights you get kind of tired of them. I have now moved on the Qdoba, but it isn't as good as Moe's just different.

I always think of things that I want to write about when I am not at my computer and then when I sit down I totally forget. Right now as I am writing this the baby is of course crying. I think he knows when I sit down to do this because he always cries. Well actually he is crying because he won't take a nap. This is definitely not characteristic of this child. I don't know what is going on, teeth, ears, difficultness? I have called the nurse line twice this week and have tried everything they said and nothing. Today he slept for 15 mins!! That is NOT him. He had a full belly, Tylenol (in case it is his teeth or ears), and clean diaper. I thought for sure this time I would be able to get everything right, nope. He sleeps much worse than C&C did at night and during the day he has always done good, until now. He is never cranky though, so at least I do have one happy baby. It's funny when I went to get him from his bed he is happy and acts like nothing happened, go figure! Now he is chilling in the exersaucer. I am so sad he is growing up.

There have been lots of cute things the boys are saying lately, I just forget to write them down. Last night Carter was sick throwing up, so he didn't go to school today. He is feeling better or so he says when he wants to do something, but doesn't feel good when he doesn't want to do it. When it was lunch time I wanted him to have something kind of bland, so he had an apple butter sandwich, it was the best I could do. He wanted jelly, but I told him no that all that sugar was probably not good for his stomach. When Cale got home Carter told him that jelly was all sugar and Cale's was response and in totally shock, "A lot of sugar?!" Carter, "Yes, a lot and that is what made me sick." Their conversations with each other are so darn cute! I also obviously cleaned the bathroom this morning. I thought it smelled a little too much like bleach when I was done. However when Cale got home he went to wash his hands and told me that the bathroom smelled really good. He also thought the floor liked "nice." I had move the rug that was in front of the tub. So I guess he likes the tile floor and the smell of clean. I want them to go to kindergarten, but am not ready to have school aged kids! Where does the time go? I am sad that I wished their baby time away, because now I wish I had been able to enjoy it more. I do enjoy them now. I try to think about that every morning when I get up , about how I need to savor every minute with them because these years will be gone in an instant.

I guess this is the wrap up for now. I am sure I will think of more later. There is actually a few more things, but I will try and post of that later. For now here are some pics from February.

Snow in February

Mack--5 months

Eating Squash

After Mommy and Daddy gave the big boys a hair cut with the clippers
(they wanted thier picture made with Mack)

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