Our Family

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Busy Busy Busy!

We have had a very busy last couple of weeks! Last week the boys had summer camp at their preschool from 9-1 everyday and then from 6-6:30 they had swim lessons every night except Friday. Well Friday after school we left for Greensboro and then Saturday morning we left to head to the mountains for the day. Saturday we spent the day with some of Andy's family and went tubing, which was so relaxing, and the boys got to play with some of their cousins that they don't see too often. They had a great time running around!
Below is Andy's Mom, her Mom, Cale, and Carter. Carter was not wanting to have his picture made for some reason.

Here are Cale and Carter with Peepaw.

This week we have been very busy with play dates and one day of swim lessons. Monday was our last swim lesson. It was horrible! Andy and decided that we were not going to torture the boys or ourselves anymore and there is always next year or the next! Tuesday we decided to try the kiddie movies again and saw "Curious George", which they loved! They didn't move and enjoyed a whole box of popcorn to themselves. It is a movie we now must own. Today we went to Jumping Beans, a place with the large inflatable bounce houses, and they had a great time there too! They enjoyed climbing in and out. Unfortunately I forgot my camera! I would have loved to catch Carter flying down the slide. Cale tried it once and was scared to go down the second time and so I had to climb up the slide and get him down. Carter is my daredevil, he loved it. Needless to say they took a good nap today!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Teaching Again!

Well I am so excited to say that I have a job!! I will be an assistant teacher at the boys preschool on the three days they will be there and in the 1 year old class. I am really excited about working with this age because I really miss mine being 1. That age was the first time that I felt like we were enjoying the boys rather than stressing so much about them. I just hope that the boys adjust to me being there since we will be on the playground together and right next door. At first I was nervous about giving up all of my free time, that I value so much, but then once I thought about it I realized that I really missed teaching. OK, so I taught 8th grade before and this is only an assistant position but I think it is great way to get my brain working again and not so much responsibility right away. Here are pictures of Cale and Carter when they were one. I forgot how bald they were!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Funny Things They Say

The boys have really started talking a lot lately! The past couple weeks they have been saying the cutest things! There favorite pair of shoes are their Crocs, or blue shoes and black shoes, and they love them because they can put them on and take them off all by themselves. Well Andy has been trying to teach them how to put their shoes on the correct feet and I must say they are doing great at realizing when they have their shoes on the wrong feet. The only problem that I see starting to happen is that Cale is calling his right foot his right foot and his left foot is his "wrong" foot. I tried to correct him and tell him it was his left foot but he just kept saying, "wrong foot."

This week the boys started a little two week camp at preschool and Cale has cried everyday! Carter on the other hand yells, "Bye Mommy!" Although Carter has become very attached to me at home. If I am out of his site for more than 5 minutes he walks through the house yelling, "Mommy, where are you?" It doesn't even matter if I am in the same room he has to come and hug my legs and then he goes and plays again. Well yesterday I was in my room getting dressed and had the door closed and I hear his little feet running down the hall and then knocking on the door with a "Mommy, where are you?" Well then, Carter has found out that he can lay on the floor and look under the big gap between the floor and door, he is laying on the floor looking under the door saying, "Hey Mommy, it's me, it's me."

They are also obsessed with cars! I had to take Cale to the doctor on Monday because of a cut on his hand and he did good so the doctor gave him a sticker with a hot wheel car on it. As soon as Cale saw it he got all excited and was pointing at it calling it a Chevy, which totally shocked the doctor! At least he is headed in right direction! Carter will randomly talk about my dad's '55 Chevy and every time we pass a garage he asks if the '55 is in the garage. Well now he will also add a beep beep when he says '55, because when we visit my parents Cale likes to honk the horn on the '55.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Water Fun

We have enjoyed lots of time in the pool lately! The boys have been to a neighborhood pool, played in their pool and sprinkler and had lots of fun in Mawmaw and Papaw's pool. They of course did not want to get out of Mawmaw and Papaw's pool because they were having so much fun! I love how they look like little muscle men in these swimsuits.

Here is Carter enjoying the fun noodle.
Cale is trying to decide if he wants to get in or not.
Here is Daddy throwing Cale and
Carter in the air. They LOVED this!!
Carter was brave enough to do it first and once Cale saw how much fun brother was having he wanted to "jump high too." Carter is the picture on top.

Carter is making one of his many trips up the ladder.

Cale is enjoying Daddy pushing him around in the big "boat"
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