Our Family

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Days of School!

Cale and Carter started kindergarten last week! They went on Monday for their assessment day and then Tuesday they found out their teachers and Wednesday was the first real day. I was extremely nervous as to how they would do, since last years fiasco with Carter refusing to go into the preschool he had attended for three years. Well, they did great! They came home and said they had a good time and couldn't wait to go back! Andy and I were so relieved. We had one hurdle down and one to go...being in separate classes.

Before their assessment day

 We talked to them about how they would have their own teachers, own friends and how Mack was going to school and wouldn't know anyone either. Then Wednesday came and they went to their classes wonderfully! I made Andy go with me, because of what happened last year, and he took Carter and I took Cale. They seemed very excited to get their day started. I have to admit I was still a little nervous, even though they liked school I was afraid once the newness wore off they would not like being away from each other all day. I was wrong, at least so far, they have enjoyed seeing each other briefly at lunch and on the playground and have made some new friends. I thought maybe Carter would be a little sad at first because their were a couple girls from preschool in Cale's class and a friend of ours is his assistant teacher, but nope Carter was ok. He does know his assistant from preschool and his teacher does a treasure box, which is a big hit with him.

Before leaving for school

Outside of school, not sure what the leaning is about.

Cale in his class

Carter in his classroom

It has been a week now and everyone is still happy, except for Mommy!  I was definitely not sad when they started school, but I hate change.  I am having a hard time getting into a routine and adjusting to a new school and lots of traffic and different teachers and things to do.  It has just been a lot of transition.  I know they like school and are smart boys, for example Carter walked up and started reading what I was writing, but sometimes I get so overwhelmed I tell Andy I am just going to home school!  Anyone who knows me knows that must be crazy talk, because after two days I would go insane!!  I really hope that we all adjust soon.  It has been hard on Mack too because he also started a mother's morning out and his afternoon nap gets interrupted to go get his brothers, which means by 4:30 he is super cranky.  I feel like it is Cale and Carter as toddlers all over again! 

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