Our Family

Saturday, January 2, 2010

My New Challenge

I don't even know where to begin. I never wanted my kids to have food allergies. I think that it is scary and tough. Well this past week Mack was diagnosed with an allergy to milk and soy. Since I am breastfeeding this means that I can no longer eat anything with milk or soy. I NEVER knew how much stuff had milk and especially had soy in it. Soy is in almost everything or at least it seems. Right now we are on a two-three week eliminating of those foods to make sure that it is what it is. Mack is seriously the happiest baby ever and we are just floored by this. I knew for sometime that he had an issue with milk, but never thought of it as being this extreme. We are really hoping that all he has is an intolerance to it and will out grow it hopefully by one year, but if not by 3 at the latest.

This has been really hard for me and for several reasons. I know that it isn't that severe and worse could be wrong. He has a gastrointestinal reactions to it, but it could be if lead to other blood issues. I love to eat and love sweets, well no more. That is sad. Also, Chikfila is no more. Even sadder. Then there is the fact that I have to cook. Even more sad. I hate to cook, but I am turning over a new leaf for my baby because I want him to be free of milk or soy so that he may hopefully outgrow it. Andy and I are both having a hard time with this mainly because of the thought of how his life will be different. Sure lots of people now have food allergies and why? I have no clue. The doctor said that it was some immune thing. Well it does make us sad to think if he has to have this allergy for the rest of his life just the trouble he will always have to go through and of course there is the missing out on some of life's most wonderful foods.

This year I have started off right by cooking. Yesterday we cheated and the boys had a freezer ziti and I had beans and greens. Then tonight Andy and I made pork bbq in the crockpot, I did homemade roasted potato fries in the oven and stewed apples and also some soft (canned) carrots for the boys. No bread because almost all bread has soy!! I at least hope that he doesn't have a soy allergy because so far that has been the hardest thing. We do luckily live in walking distance to the Whole Foods and that was a nice boost because they have lots of choices for allergy free foods. I will continue to post updates and any good allergy things I find. Andy says that God was trying to tell us something because we eat out way too much. We do and we spend too much money on eating out. I am hoping to now lose my last 17 lbs of baby weight really fast.

Here are some pictures of Mack turning over yesterday from his tummy to his back at only 3 1/2 months!!

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