Our Family

Monday, November 24, 2008

Stomach Bugs=Yuck!

Well we havn't had one of these is a while, so I guess we are due. Carter was sick last night and this morning throwing up. The poor guy kept getting up to "spit" and he said he tongue hurt. He actually cought on pretty fast. He only threw up on Andy once and then knew to get to the bath tub. This morning he even covered his mouth while I ran him to the bathroom. It is still hard having a sick baby that is hungry and can't eat, but it is a lot easier than when they had their first stomach bug at around 9 months. That one lasted about a week!

Here are some pictures from the first bug. As you can tell Carter felt much better after he yaked and Andy looks as if he enjoyed it too.

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1 comment:

Brian said...

Andy, let's see if you smile like that when I puke in your direction!