Our Family

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Riding Bikes

The boys love "riding" their bikes. They refuse to use the pedals or even let us help them use the pedals so they just Flintstone it on their bikes. Our driveway has a very slight hill to it. just enough for them to lift their feet and rdie down the hill. So that is pretty much all they do. "Pedal" to the top of the driveway then Carter turns around and lifts his feet, but Cale on the other hand just gets to the top and then lifts his feet and goes down backwards.

Here is Carter doing it the safe way.

Cale falling over because it isn't really safe to ride down backwards.

As you can tell he thinks it is funny, probably because Mommy is laughing too and Daddy is yelling that it isn't funny and the people that were walking down our street were probably thinking, "those dumb, young parents" (because Andy and I look all of 20 years old).

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